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September 2020

This Month: Expanded Lineup for High Torque Stepper Motors

PKP Series high torque stepper motors lineup

Expanded Lineup for High Torque Stepper Motors

In case you didn't know, our popular PKP series high torque stepper motors have undergone a redesign to maximize torque as well as an expansion of its lineup.  These high torque stepper motors can be used for a variety of position control applications and offer many benefits for machine design, such as increasing throughput or downsizing.

Standard/High Resolution Type Encoder Type Electromagnetic Brake Type Geared Type (CS)

Flat Type

PKP series NEMA 17 standard / high resolution type stepper motor
PKP series NEMA 17 encoder type stepper motor
PKP series NEMA 17 electromagnetic brake type stepper motor
PKP series NEMA 17 CS geared type stepper motor
PKP series NEMA 23 flat type harmonic geared stepper motor

What's New?

  • CS spur gear type with centered shaft for increased load (42 mm)
  • SH (spur) geared types with encoder (42 mm / 60 mm)
  • Electromagnetic brake types (42 mm / 56.4 mm) + new brake cables
  • High inertia type, flat type, planetary geared type, and harmonic geared types
  • Bipolar (parallel) and unipolar winding configurations
PKP Series Bipolar Lineup PKP Series Unipolar Lineup

White Papers for Stepper Motors

White paper: Improving Stepper Motor Design for Torque and Vibration
Development of the S type stepper driver
How did we increase the torque of a high torque stepper motor?  This white paper explains the arduous process of both increasing torque of a stepper motor while minimizing vibration.   Every stepper motor requires a driver.  A recently released CVK Series miniature S-type driver helps to improve stepper motor performance, communicates via SPI, and support compact designs.
Learn How
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Engineering Notes for Stepper Motors

Belt & Pulley Conveyor with stepper motor Don't be confused with our product breadth.  This blog post explains the many types of stepper motors we offer, and what applications they're typically used for.

Choosing the Right Type of Stepper Motor for Your Application

Unipolar vs bipolar (series, parallel) winding type stepper motors
Figure out the best winding type to use for your designs.  This blog post compares the pros and cons between unipolar and bipolar windings for stepper motors.

Wiring Basics: Unipolar vs Bipolar

Literature for Stepper Motors

The PKP Series brochure showcases the many types of stepper motors we offer.  The PKP Series with PLE Gearhead brochure showcases high torque stepper motors pre-assembled with Neugart's PLE planetary gearheads for high torque applications.

PKP Series PKP Series with PLE Gearhead
PKP Series high torque stepper motors brochure
Planetary Geared PKP Series high torque stepper motors catalog

Also: New 2020~2021 Product Guide

Our first eBook summarizes our core products and services.

2020~2021 Product Guide

More Literature

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