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May 2021

This Month: Parts Handling Machine Example, Design and Basic Technology for Watertight, Dust-Resistant Brushless Motors, Beckhoff PLC Integration with TWINCAT3 and more

Parts Handling Machine Example

Here is a system designed to move parts of various sizes using standard motor and driver technologies from the same product family.  The system is comprised of several AlphaStep closed-loop stepper motors and linear/rotary actuators.  Watch this video to learn how these individual products work together to achieve a greater goal.

Parts Handling Machine Example

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Design and Basic Technology for Watertight, Dust-Resistant Brushless Motors

The role of brushless motors is poised to increase for watertight, dust-resistant applications due to their size and efficiency benefits compared to AC induction motorsThis white paper explains the expanded brushless motors lineup of the BMU Series and BLE2 Series, and how they meet stringent IP66/IP67 dust and water-resistant ratings. 

  • Exposed components are reduced.
  • O-ring is used for the seal.
  • High corrosion-resistant coating and motor design are adopted.
  • OM's own aging degradation test ensures that water-resistant performance is maintained over time.
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Beckhoff PLC Integration with TWINCAT3

We have uploaded our first Beckhoff PLC How-To video!  Watch how to easily integrate our AlphaStep AZ Series network type drivers with the TWINCAT3 software.  How-To videos also explain Keyence and Allen Bradley PLCs and product installation tips.

How-To Video: Beckhoff PLC integration with TWINCAT3

Watch How-To Video

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Motion Programming Example:
Timed Pressing Operation
Motion Programming Example: Timed Pressing Operation

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